Category: Beautification

Block Beautification Committe

CANA Neighborhood Beautification

You might have noticed that the mountain of mulch that was on the vacant lot at the southeast corner of Mayfield and Corcoran has dwindled down to almost a mole hill. Thanks to your neighbors and the students from Christ the King High School, that mulch was moved to corners around our area.   Our…

Award Wining Corner Planting Kicked off May 19th With support from Brickyard Home Depot, Christ the King High School, Loyola University and ABC Bank

After weeks of preparation, CANA and neighbors with allot of help from our friends began re-planting our award winning corners.  We were joined by many organizations, businesses and residents.    A special thank you goes out to Brick Yard’s Home Depot who donated  mulch, flowers and discounted tools and other materials. We were also joined by…

National Black MBA Association’s Leaders of Tomorrow Team Leads Service Project in CANA Neighborhood

The National Black Masters in Business Administration’s (NBMBAA) Leaders of Tomorrow (LOT) program through the efforts of Lizette Marshall and her daughter Imani Marshall, a Whitney Young Senior and LOT Member, choose the CANA neighborhood for one of their service projects.  They choose to do a yard makeover for a home in our 16 block service area. …

Annual Welcome Spring Cleaning Comes to the CANA Neighborhood with Residents, Duke Alumni Engage, Christ the King High School, and The Safer Foundation

CANA had our better natures on display on April 21st as we welcomed 58 volunteers to help cleanup our community. We had volunteers from our neighborhood joined by Third Unitarian Church members, the Duke University Alumni Engage team, Christ the King High School and The Safer Foundation.   We are truly touched with the outpouring of…

Be a Part of a Winning Team: Spread Beauty

It’s May and already we can see the beginnings of another summer of wonderful accents throughout our neighborhood. Thanks to our work in April, and building upon the foundation we set last year, we are well prepared to create more beauty in Austin. YOU CAN BE PART OF AN AWARD WINNING TEAM.  Come and participate…

Welcome Spring on April 21, 2012

Saturday, April 21, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., is Central Austin Neighborhood Association’s (CANA’s) Spring Cleanup Day.  CANA’s 16 square blocks are bordered by Austin Blvd. (W), Mason (E), Washington (S), and Corcoran (N). Equipment and supplies will be provided, but feel free to bring some or your own. Volunteers will meet at 9 a.m.…

2011 Neigborhood Beautification Vision Award Received

Joyce Charmatz, President of Keep Chicago Beautiful Inc., presented its Keep Chicago Beautiful 2011 Neighborhood Beautification Vision Award to the Central Austin Neighborhood Association  on September 27, 2011 at the Four Seasons Hotel Chicago. In the picture below Serethea and Ron Reid are flanked by the mascot “Les Waste” on the left and the President, Joyce Charmatz…

Polishing a Jewel in Our Neighborhood: Stretching your mind and body

Ron and Serethea Reid, in addition to being members of the Central Austin Neighborhood Association, are leaders in the Chicago Conservation Corp, a program developed by the City of Chicago, Department of the Environment. The Chicago Conservation Corp is a network of volunteers who work together to improve the quality of life in our neighborhoods…

Corner Planting Wrap Up With Safer Foundation Volunteers

CANA members were joined by new volunteers from the Safer Foundation thanks to coordination by CANA member and former Aldermanic candidate Roman Morrow. The five volunteers helped us complete the month long planting process for 14 corners in our 16 block area.  The Safer guys were great; they were hard working and genuinely happy to help…

CANA Collaborates on Corners!

The May 21st  Planting of Intersection Corners was a wonderful success! We had volunteers from the community, the city and as far away as Durham NC! We had volunteers from almost every block from Madison to Corcoran and from Austin to Menard streets.  Thanks so much to so many people. A special thanks to all the…

Preparation underway for May 21st Corner Planting Initiative

CANA volunteers have been out almost daily since May 14 to prepare the ground for our May 21st Corner planting. The community has benefitted from the the efforts of six men so far performing the heavy lifting of tilling the ground. We discovered the ground was very hard and required manual digging before we could…

Day of Service for Christ the King High School and CANA

Austin’s Jesuit College Preparatory High School – Christ the King, joined CANA on May 7 for a second neighborhood cleanup this year!  This event was unique in that it was comprised of students, teachers and parents. This dynamic group was wonderful to work with. The energy, service learning and relationship building should be a model for other…

A More Beautiful Austin, 16 Blocks at a time

Part of the mission of the Central Austin Neighborhood Association is to unite residents in the effort to transform Austin into a more vibrant and attractive place to live, work, play and raise children. We want to create and support a greater sense of responsibility for creating a better environment for our children. We want…

Scenes from our Spring Cleanup

  CANA conducted a street by street cleanup throughout our 16 blocks. We were joined by neighbors and students from Christ the King High School here in Austin. Many neighbors that were not able to clean the entire neighborhood came out to take care of their blocks.

Volunteers Stand Ready to Help Clean Up Austin

Great News ! This year continues to show great promise. Our next effort takes place on Saturday, March 19th at 8:30 AM at the corner of Austin and Madison. More Austin stakeholders are joining the effort to beautify Austin. Austin High School As a result of a posting about our event on, we were…

Spring Cleanup Planned for March 19th

On Tuesday, February 15th we continued our development of plans for our work this year. Our focus at this meeting was the beautification of our community.  Members volunteered to share the work to make our neighborhood more visually attractive. This effort is being led by Jane Shirley and. Marvin Marshall.  Our first project is the…


Saturday, Novermber 20, 2010       10AM to 3PM Greater Galilee, 1308  S. Independence Blvd, 773 521-4330 Weatherization work may include attic and wall insulation, furnace and boiler improvement, window and door improvement Assistance may include light and gas bills Renters are welcome to apply with owner’s consent

CANA Cleans up the Neighborhood

CANA Members begin Anti-Litter Campaign by picking up trash throughout the neighborhood! Twelve neighbors and members joined Facilitator Marvin Marshall picking up trash along Austin, Mason, Mayfield and Menard this past Saturday morning. Yes we can make a difference! Working to make our neighboorhood beautiful! The team relaxes after a full day at 3rd Unitarian Church and…

Neighborhood Trash Pickup Day – Sat Oct 16th 9:00 AM