Saturday, April 21, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., is Central Austin Neighborhood Association’s (CANA’s) Spring Cleanup Day. CANA’s 16 square blocks are bordered by Austin Blvd. (W), Mason (E), Washington (S), and Corcoran (N). Equipment and supplies will be provided, but feel free to bring some or your own.
Volunteers will meet at 9 a.m. at 301 N. Mayfield, and we will break into groups and decide who goes where. If you are not able to meet at 9 or help with more than your block, watch for the crew to arrive at your block and consider coming out to work with us.
CANA will provide lunch afterwards at 301 N. Mayfield (the Unitarian Church). CANA’s cleanup will be part of Chicago’s April 21 Citywide Clean & Green Day. So come on CANA—yes we cana help bring more beauty to the streets! For more info about CANA’s cleanup, call 312-952-4983 or go to website For more info about Clean & Green Day sites beyond CANA’s blocks, call 3-1-1. You can even suggest a new cleanup site before April 13.