After weeks of preparation, CANA and neighbors with allot of help from our friends began re-planting our award winning corners. We were joined by many organizations, businesses and residents. A special thank you goes out to Brick Yard’s Home Depot who donated mulch, flowers and discounted tools and other materials. We were also joined by a team of Home Depot employees including the Manger Satish Kumar and his team members, Jay, Rosa, Kathy, and Monica. Thank you all for everything you did to help our community!!!
Another special thanks to Christ the King High School. You have joined us on several projects and we appreciate your support on this one. We also want to extend a special thanks to Loyola University Students who choose to spend a their day of service with us as guests of Christ the King.
We are especially thankful for the volunteers from ABC Bank in Austin. We appreciate your hard work and family effort during the full day of planting. Thank you Monica for bringing out your family to help! We also thank you for the needed donation for flowers. Thank you Thomas! Your support has an positive impact on our neighborhood more than you know.
We would be remiss if we did not thank the many neighbors and friends from Third Church who participated. Thank you all for you active roles in building community.