With limited advance advertisement, Chicago Public Schools conducted a public meeting about locating an elementary school on the near west side of Chicago. The purpose of the meeting was to gather public input before presenting a proposal to the Board of Education to locate a new SCIENCE, ENGINEERING, MATH AND TECHNOLOGY (S.T.E.M.) Magnet School in a community that already has at least 5 magnet schools. Two aldermen, Solis and Fioretti,  were present to support their constituents.

A small number of people, living in the community identified for the new magnet school, have voiced their opposition to this allocation of education resources. They brought this proposal to the attention of the Austin residents they knew so that we can express our views to the Board.

 An attorney who lives in the west loop prepared and began circulating a document expressing his opposition to the placement of the school in the west loop. He has asked that we help him to help Austin residents by getting copies of the letter he prepared signed and back to him. He plans to speak at the Board meeting on January 26, 2011.

 He would like to present letters signed by residents of Austin to show that we are interested in having the resources allocated here. Our presence at the meeting would be more powerful. If Austin residents can’t be there, they can send their message in written form. The letter he drafted can be tailored to convey the more specific message that we want to place the magnet school in Austin.

 To my understanding, there are no magnet schools west of Western Avenue and none in the Austin neighborhood. Austin Polytechnic could certainly benefit from a feeder elementary school with a technical emphasis.

 If you would like to support this effort, contact [email protected].