Public Relations Committee Overview:
Promote the CANA organization throughout the community and city at large to increase our effectiveness through credibility, visibility, and a favorable image to the community and city.
Where our mission is brought to reality
- Determine vision
- Identify and rank priorities
- Select at least one goal to achieve by August 21
- For each activity, develop program plan: Tasks, responsibilities ,due date, budget. Internal and external resources needed
- Prepare monthly status report for each meeting and post on web site
Facilitator: Diana Carpenter
- Document news worthy CANA activities and provide press releases to local and national news organizations.
- Take pictures, video, and written accounts of CANA events for web site and press releases
- Publicity and awards for Kids that graduate or have significant achievements
- Monitor Alderman news events and inform members
- Maintain a list of good contractors and repair people
- Maintain a Sick, Shut In and Passed away list
- Do monthly “Did You Know” personal bio of a neighbor for web site
- Maintain list of Austin and Chicago events or assists
- Maintain a neighbor help list of people with key skills who can volunteer their time to members
– Make calls
– Take pictures, video
– Interview people and write articles
– Work with Community and City to identify events, assists and publish
– Maintain web site content
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