CANA Community Meeting June 21, 2016 at 6:30 PM at 301 N. Mayfield


Title: CANA Community Meeting
Location: 301 N. Mayfield. Chicago IL 60644
Description: Title: CANA Community Meeting Tuesday June 21, 2016 at 6:30 PM at Third Church (301 N. Mayfield)

We are planning our annual neighborhood Festival/Big Block Party for July 30th

We need your input and support to make this year’s community building event our best yet.

Whether it’s CANA sponsored trips to the Lyric Opera, the Joffrey Ballet or MacArthur’s, we want the best quality of life and sense of community possible for our neighbors.

Some of you may have seen Divvy Bike installation finally at two locations in our neighborhood (Lake & Austin and Madison & Mason) Let’s make sure that’s not the only investment we see in our community.

2014-12-05 22.53.30

One politician told me that if there is SILENCE ,
it means there is ACCEPTANCE.

Many of you did not attend a CAPS meeting or the Alderman’s State of the Ward meeting.

Will you be standing with others who are demanding and pushing for community safety, jobs and world class education for our children ?

Our scheduled speakers and listeners include:
The Justice Department

Come out on Tuesday to voice your concerns and ideas for improving safety and policing in our neighborhood and across the city.
Start Time: 18:30
Date: 2016-06-21
End Time: 20:00