15th District
Barbara West, Commander
5701 West Madison Ave
Chicago, IL 60644

Phone:  312-743-1440
Fax:  312-743-1366
TTY:  312-743-1485
[email protected]


Click here for CAPS Meeting Flyer



Beat: 1513, 1045 S. Monitor

July 10th, September 11th, November 13th
Facilitator:  William Dale (Beat 1513 North)
Phone: (312)743-1495

Beat 1512,  CAPS MEETING: Third Unitarian Church 301 N. Mayfield

July 5th, September 6th, November 1st
Phone: 312-743-1495
Facilitator: Officer Al Townsend Sgt. Sam Dari


CAPS(Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy)

Safe Passage Program
The Safe Passage Program is a combination of opportunities for parents, business and residents throughout the City to become involved in the community.  It includes the Safe Haven Program, Parent Patrol and the Walking School Bus Program.  Safe Havens include municipal properties such as police stations, fire houses, libraries and other businesses.  Many restaurants, convenience stores, barber shops and other retail establishments already participate in the Safe Haven Program.  More are welcome.  If a child is walking to or from home or school, and for any reason they become alarmed or approached by a stranger, they can find refuge in any “Safe Haven.”  Safe Haven locations are identified by a sign placed in the location’s window.    Anyone interested in one or all of the above opportunities, please contact the CAPS Implementation Office at (312)745-5900 or the CAPS Project Office at (312)745-5907, Monday through Friday, 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.  For more information in English and Spanish, click on the link below:

Director of Implementation:
Phillip Hampton, Director, CAPS program.  Hampton has served as Director of 311 City services since July 16, 2007.  Prior to that, he worked eight years for the CAPS Program as an area Supervisor and as Assistant Director.  He has also served as a Business Education Teacher in the Chicago Public Schools and as Director of Community Relations for the Chicago Public Schools.

Chief CAPS Project Officer
Tina Skahill
3510 S. Michigan Ave.

Area 4 Supervisor:
Terry Wenta
10 S. Kedzie

Community Organizer, 10th District
John Reynolds
Holger Del Cid
10 S cialis generika kaufen deutschland. Kedzie

Community Organizer, 11th District
John Campos
10 S. Kedzie

Community Organizer, 15th District
Christine Perez
5701 W. Madison

10th District
Berscott Ruiz, Commander
3315 West Ogden Avenue
Chicago, IL 60623
Phone:  312-747-7511
Fax:  312-747-7429
TTY:  312-747-7471
[email protected]

Beat: 1011, 1350 S. Harding
Facilitator: Marie Williams
Officer: Peete

Beat: 1012, 1012 S. Pulaski
Facilitator: Marie Perkins

Beat: 1014, 3839 W. Ogden
Facilitator:  Dorothy Hudson
Officer: Hernandez

Beat: 1021, 1448 S. Homan
Facilitator: Lonnie Williams

Beat: 1022, 3030 W. 21st St.
Facilitator: Nina Clark
Officer: Austin

Beat: 1024, 3315 W. Ogden
Officer: Hernandez

Beat: 1033, 2414 S. Albany
Facilitator: Jaime Seone
Officer: Austin

11th District
Penelope J. Trahanas, Commander
3151 West Harrison St
Chicago, IL 60612
Phone:  312-746-8386
Fax:  312-746-4281
TTY:  312-746-5151
[email protected]

Beat: 1131, 4650 W. Van Buren
Officer: Peete

Beat: 1133/1134, 3559 Arthington
Facilitator: Terry Smith & Seth Barnhart

15th District
Walter Green, Commander
5701 West Madison Ave
Chicago, IL 60644
Phone:  312-743-1440
Fax:  312-743-1366
TTY:  312-743-1485
[email protected]

Beat: 1513, 5701 W. Madison
Facilitator:  William Dale (Beat 1513 North)
Phone: (312)743-1495

Beat: 1533, 5000 W. Congress
Facilitator: Ora Steele
Officer: Sgt. Fitzgerald
Phone: (312)743-1400

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