Our next meeting is Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at 301 N. Mayfield, corner of Mayfield and Fulton We start on time at 6:30pm and finish at 8:00pm.. We invite you to participate.
Category: Members Meeting
Another Successful Neighborhood Block Party!
•Our third annual big block party succeeded in bringing our community together for family friendly activities. Our efforts to build community were on full display Saturday July 19th. The Pictures are worth a thousand smiles!!!
CANA Third Annual Block Party/Festival Kicks off Saturday July 19 @ 12:00 Noon
•CANA with support from your neighbors will have our Third Annual Block Party for our 16+4 blocks and beyond. We have a fun filled day planned for all. Come out and join us from 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM at the corner of Mason and West End (5900 block of West End – near Austin) JULY…
General Meeting Tuesday, February 18th at 6:30pm
•The future of Austin is in our hands. Based upon the community discussions and activity taking place around Austin, we continue to be confident and encouraged about what we can achieve as a community. We must, however, put in the work to create the quality of life to which we all are entitled. The next…
•On Sunday, September 29,2013 , the Chicago Tribune published a front page, above the fold, article on the state of economic development and the quality of life in South Austin. It is an important piece of research and history on Austin. www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/ct-met-south-austin-liquor-store-20130929,0,1042994.story chicagotribune.com Blinking beer sign illuminates Austin’s problems Liquor store with ties to felon just…
CANA Monthly Meeting
•Title: CANA Monthly Meeting Location: 301 N. Mayfield, Third Unitarian Church Description: Your involvement is essential for creating a community you desire and deserve. . Come prepared to work on your ideas and concerns. Our meetings are short and focused on action steps. 6:30 pm to 7:00pm Calls to Action/Progress Reports/Activity Reports 5 minutes each…
Community of Congregations Focus on Austin
•Title: Community of Congregations Focus on Austin Location: Ascension Catholic Church, 808 s. East Ave, Oak Park Description: Recent publicity has presented a one dimensional portrait of the Austin community. In order to help us to get a better understanding of our neighbors and learn how we can meaningfully partner with them, the Oak Park-River…
The BIG BLOCK PARTY is Back !!!! Saturday July 20th 10 AM – 4 PM
•Remember last year’s party? Want another one? Well we heard you! It’s Back!!! The 2nd Annual CANA Neighborhood Block Party returns Saturday July 20th from 10-4 in the 5900 block of West End. That’s West End between Mason and Mayfield. All of your old favorites will return plus some new ones .. ping pong.…
•We are honored and grateful to report this news. Third Unitarian Church has selected the Central Austin Neighborhood Association as one of the recipients of its newly created Share the Plate program. CANA is one of ten organizations that will receive a donation over the next 12 month. Third Unitarian Church has provided support…
June 18, 2013 Meeting
•Take Action Tuesday Come prepared to work on your ideas and concerns. We look for creative solutions. Short and focused on action steps. Calls to action and community reports from 6:30 to 7:00pm. Topics scheduled for discussion include the corner garden planting and maintenance, and July 20 neighborhood party planning Time: 6:30pm to 8:00pm: 301 N.…
•There will NOT be a general CANA meeting in this month of March. Smaller working groups are continuing to advance projects scheduled for this year. You can still contribute to the forward motion. Your energy and input is important. You can respond to this email with your intentions or place your comments on our Facebook…
•TAKE ACTION TUESDAY MAKE IT HAPPEN !!!!! CENTRAL AUSTIN NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Come prepared to work on your ideas and concerns. Our meetings are short and focused on action steps. 6:30PM to 8:00PM Tomorrow Tuesday February 19, 2013 301 N. Mayfield, Third Unitarian Church 6:30 pm to 7:00pm Calls to Action/Activity Reports Up…
•ANOTHER LIQUOR STORE ?? REALLY ?????? How can you build a solid house if your contractor is setting small fires in the basement? How can a community continue to find the energy and resources to build and to improve its quality of life when it must expend so much of its limited capital…
•MAKE IT HAPPEN in 2013 ! Come participate in bringing out the beauty in our neighborhood, creating a neighborhood of peace with a greater sense of safety. Make a positive contribution to the revitalization of our community. WHAT WE BELIEVE DETERMINES HOW WE BEHAVE. NEXT MEETING TUESDAY JANUARY 15 6:30pm to 8:00pm…
•Your Central Austin Neighborhood Association, CANA, is looking forward to the positive possibilities of the New Year. We are encouraged by the support we received during 2012 from college alumni associations, high school students, large corporations, small companies, and residents like you. Because we joined together and worked on common goals, we were able to…
•2013 EVENTS We remain excited and encouraged about the possibilities for our neighborhood. We continue to meet neighbors who share our desire for a better community. We continue to be amazed at the number and type of resources that are available to assist in accomplishing this goal. These potential supporters are looking for evidence…
Can we throw a party? Yes we CANA!
•The first annual CANA Block Party/Festival was a wonderful success! We had several hundred very happy neighbors that came out for this family friendly event this past Saturday. We had a full day the started with a group Tai Chi demonstration and exercise thanks to Jerry White Group Tai Chi was followed by a…
CANA First Annual Block Party/Festival Kicks off July 21st.
•CANA with support from your neighbors and BUILD Inc will have our First Annual Block Party for our 16 blocks and beyond. We have a fun filled day planned for all. Come out and join us from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM at the corner of Mason and West End (5900 block of West End…
CANA Party Planning Meeting Tuesday
•CANA MEETING ON TUESDAY Don’t miss the next CANA meeting on Tuesday, July 17. We need your help. We’ll be putting the finishing touches on preparations for our first annual block party the following Saturday, July 21. Next meeting Tuesday July 17, 2012 6:30 PM 301 N Mayfield Third Unitarian Church Block Party…
Award Wining Corner Planting Kicked off May 19th With support from Brickyard Home Depot, Christ the King High School, Loyola University and ABC Bank
•After weeks of preparation, CANA and neighbors with allot of help from our friends began re-planting our award winning corners. We were joined by many organizations, businesses and residents. A special thank you goes out to Brick Yard’s Home Depot who donated mulch, flowers and discounted tools and other materials. We were also joined by…
National Black MBA Association’s Leaders of Tomorrow Team Leads Service Project in CANA Neighborhood
•The National Black Masters in Business Administration’s (NBMBAA) Leaders of Tomorrow (LOT) program through the efforts of Lizette Marshall and her daughter Imani Marshall, a Whitney Young Senior and LOT Member, choose the CANA neighborhood for one of their service projects. They choose to do a yard makeover for a home in our 16 block service area. …
Christ the King High School Joins CANA residents for Student, Family and Faculty Service Event
•CANA Welcomed Christ the King High School for their annual family, student and faculty community service event on May 5th. We also had Leader’s Council Member Eric Kyereme in attendance as well manlig-halsa.se. This is the second year they choose to spend it with us and we are extremely appreciative. We enjoy all the support we have received…
CANA and Oak Park Temple B’nai Abraham Zion Clean and Weed the Neighborhood on April 29th
•We were joined by the Oak Park Temple B’nai Abraham Zion on Sunday April 29th for a street cleanup and weeding project. We were very happy to host this family event for Oak Park Temple and CANA families. We were pleased to have almost as many children as adults participating. We met and started at the…
Annual Welcome Spring Cleaning Comes to the CANA Neighborhood with Residents, Duke Alumni Engage, Christ the King High School, and The Safer Foundation
•CANA had our better natures on display on April 21st as we welcomed 58 volunteers to help cleanup our community. We had volunteers from our neighborhood joined by Third Unitarian Church members, the Duke University Alumni Engage team, Christ the King High School and The Safer Foundation. We are truly touched with the outpouring of…
Be a Part of a Winning Team: Spread Beauty
•It’s May and already we can see the beginnings of another summer of wonderful accents throughout our neighborhood. Thanks to our work in April, and building upon the foundation we set last year, we are well prepared to create more beauty in Austin. YOU CAN BE PART OF AN AWARD WINNING TEAM. Come and participate…