Our May monthly meeting was well attended and tackled diverse issues like our upcoming neighborhood beautification projects and strategy to improve police response times in minority communities. We invited the Chicago Office of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to educate our members and speak to residents about strategies to get the city to comply with our FOIA requests related police response times. We believe this information will drive the fair allocation of police resources in our community. We want accountability in the fair allocation of police resources in all communities and not just those with political clout.
For all of us who have dialed 911 for help and received slow or no response, we are not alone in this injustice. Our tax dollars have paid for protection of other communities for far too long. When resources are reduced, we expect each community to bear that burden equally. For our residents, you are not alone in this fight. Organizations like the ACLU can help when no one else can hear you or when our elected officials make keeping their job more important than doing what is morally right for all citizens.
“The ACLU of Illinois has been the principal protector of constitutional rights in the state since its founding in 1929.
The ACLU of Illinois (ACLU), and its affiliated Roger Baldwin Foundation (RBF), are non-partisan, non-profit organizations dedicated to protecting the liberties guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, the state Constitution, and state/federal human rights laws. The ACLU accomplishes its goals through litigating, lobbying and educating the public on a broad array of civil liberties issues”