Four members of CANA attended the 1513N Beat Community Meeting, CAPS, at the District Police Station at 5701 W. Madison. There were approximately 15 people in attendance.
Problem Areas
- Madison and Mason Intersection
- Mayfield and Washington Intersection
- Mayfield and West End Intersection
These intersections continue to be recognized by the police as problem areas. There were 19 narcotic related arrests made at or around these locations in September.
If we want a location to be recognized as a problem area, we must continue to call 911 and we must attend the CAPS meeting to inform that department that we want their attention. If we don’t take these steps, they will focus on areas where these steps are being taken by residents.
Officer Collins, (312) 743-1495, said that she would take calls directly about problem areas and respect requests for anonymity. If you report to her specific detail about the location of drug stashes, she will send an officer out to retrieve the drugs.
Officer Collins said that she is working to gain the cooperation of merchants on Madison to eliminate the loitering in front of their stores. A CANA member noted that merchants making 911 calls may be treated with the same poor response as other citizens making 911 calls.
We must continue to represent our concerns at the CAPS meeting. They won’t make a move unless we do.