ALDERMAN GRAHAM Given Notice of Problem Area

The alderman, on a weekly basis, remains open until 8:00pm on Mondays. On October 4, 2010, Ron and Serethea Reid met with the Alderman to discuss concerns about problems at the Madison and Mason intersection.

 The Friday before this meeting, at midnight, Ron and Serethea called 911 repeatedly to address the drug sales, public disturbance, public alcohol consumption, and disorderly conduct.  They had been called earlier by another CANA member living closer to the problem but who had not yet called the police.  As the action continued to grow, a phone tree was enacted and multiple calls went out to 911.

 After waiting for 20 minutes, calls were then made to the Police Sergeant. Shortly afterwards, three police vans, accompanied by the Sergeant in another car, came on the scene. One arrest was made.

The Police Sergeant asked if anyone would be willing to sign a citizen complaint and come to court. A CANA member agreed. The court date is October 19,2010 at 9:00am at the Grand and Central police station.

The Alderman noted the date and asked whether we would be seeking to get others to come to provide support. The answer was yes.

If anyone is available at that time, please consider going to the court to show support for taking back our streets. There is power in numbers.

 The Police Sergeant stated that residents must also inform the Alderman about problem areas. The CAPS officers stated that the police ask  the Alderman for their input in identifying problem areas each month.

 One way to address the problem at the intersection is to extend the existing permit parking to the corner. The Alderman stated that she would explore that possibility.

In addition to calling 911, we must also notify the Alderman of problem areas. Her office phone number is (773) 261-4646.